Intangible Assets and why they’ll be more important than ever in the future
In 2019 I wrote an article that talked about what was largely considered to be one of the most important Intangible Assets in work and business and how to safeguard it for longevity.
Since then our world has been tipped upside down with the Pandemic. Here’s why I feel it’s more important than ever.
How often have you said to yourself ‘this year I’m getting healthy, losing weight, giving up smoking, starting an exercise program etc….. ‘ only to find a few months into the new year, you’re not so ‘resolute’. There’s nothing wrong with making these resolutions, but let’s think about them differently - as a vision for your future health and business longevity. If we’ve learned anything from the Pandemic scare of the last 2 years, it’s how precious health is.
What is our number 1 Intangible Asset?
To understand the difference – Tangible Assets are the things we can physically measure. Your premises, iphone, laptop, your education, staff, physical property etc are all tangible assets. Intangible Assets are those that are considered the opposite to tangible – i.e can’t be physically measured.
We consider Intangible Assets to be things like your goodwill, brand recognition, IP. So perhaps you’ve not thought of your long term health, vitality and fitness as an Intangible Asset.
In the book ‘The 100 Year Life’, the authors talk about how we need to be planning for a long life and subsequently a long business or employment life. The gift of a long life is fundamentally an intangible gift. If we’re in bad health the stress it creates on ourselves and others can significantly reduce our productivity and creativity in the workplace or in our business.
Are Health Checks enough?
I hear you! You go see your doctor regularly and have annual checks. We even get mail that reminds us to go get the breast screen and the send the bowel screen in. Do your annual checks put a preventative strategy in place? Does your doctor discuss your nutrition, fitness and mental health plan for the upcoming 5 years or would he send you off for the diagnostic test and in turn prescribe medication or a procedure?
We have the ability to live a 100 year life.
So our challenge now is to sustain our health, to boost our productivity and community involvement while making fitness and vitality a priority. In turn we may reduce the burden on the aged care and medical systems.
How do we do that even if we have an underlying autoimmune condition?
Here are the top 5 ways to boost your Intangible Assets:
1. Bring more colourful veges into your diet with quality protein and drink plenty of water
2. Get a reasonable amount of sun and fresh air
3. Laugh more
4. Move more
5. Meditate
This year, instead of new year’s resolutions and if there’s anything Covid taught us, it’s to think with more long-term vision. If we want longevity in our business, we need to plan for it in our body.
A great place to start is to send me a comment or question about your most concerning health issue here at As a Food and Nutrition Coach, Diabetes Food Advisor and Yoga Instructor I’d be happy to share some information with you.
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